Got Fur Allergies but You Want a Good Old Doggie? These 10 Non Shedding Dogs Are the Answers!


Truth be told, allergies aren’t really cause by the fur that our dogs shed. It’s commonly caused by the skin cells that come off when they scratch. These are referred to as dander (sounds like Dandruffs, yes?)The fur just adds a bit irritation but it’s not the primary cause why people are allergic to dogs. The allergic reaction can cause asthma attacks or rashes, depending on the person. It’s a case to case basis. American Kennel Club says that 10 percent of the American population is allergic to dogs.

Most of the dogs which shed a lot are those that have furs that look more like short hair strands and not like those with filamentous and silky ones. However, there are hairy dogs that can cause dog allergies too. There aren’t any 100 percent non-hypoallergenic breeds yet, but who now when the time comes there would be more non-shedding dogs? For now, here are your choices

Lhasa Apso

Lhasa Apso

Originally bred in Tibet for the monks to have someone to warn them against intruders, this dog is among the non-shedding dogs of all time. They can have long white to brown hair depending on their genetic make-up. These dogs can be very protective so you if you choose them, make sure that they are trained early for socialization to avoid problems about aggression.

Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier

They’ve got the body of Chihuahua but the hair of a Lhasa Apso. They can come in variations of black, brown and white. These dogs are among the warmest and cuddliest pets you could ever wish for, but they could very much aggressive when it comes to people they don’t know. They are very protective dogs and so it would be expected that they would bark all they want when they encounter strangers.

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu

Long fuzzy hair and an energy level that its almost not possible to contain. Shih Tzu is the ultimate dog for novice dog owners. They are probably among the most common toy dogs in the world. Shih Tzu is a very friendly and cuddly dog. Most of them love to be with their people. They also love walking around with you no matter where you go. Just be reminded that they live better inside the house than the outdoors so it would be best to just get them their own dog beds instead of sending them out (not unless you’re punishing them for some reason as they can be very naughty indeed!).



Ever seen a dog with dreadlocks? Well, a Puli Mop dog looks like it has. They actually look quite amazing with it. They’re like the perfect reggae dog icon (if there ever is one!). You wouldn’t really be questioning why these dogs don’t shed a lot because their coats are dreaded into a fine spool of fur.



These are known for their body structure and their speed. They can sprint really fast over a long distance and they can also just lay around and be lazy when they feel like it. They have very thin coat and they shed from time to time but not as frequent as the other dogs like the pug. They are very sociable animals but if you got a cat in the household then expect all hell to break loose.

Standard Poodle

Standard Poodle

AKA French Poodle, this dog has fluffy fur that doesn’t really shed that much. However, these dogs need frequent trips to the grooming center most especially if you’re very meticulous with how they look like. They need to be clipped and shaved a regularly to achieve that sharp look. These dogs are very graceful in nature (which is also a kind way of saying they move slow). They look very classy all the time and they strive to look very confident at all times.



They look very similar to that of the Shih Tzu. They can grow their hair very long, or you may just opt for a shorter and cleaner version. You will be taken by surprise with the braveness of this dog. They’re really a small breed but they never run short of courage and determination. These dogs are really good for training exercises. They respond well to rewards, so always make sure that you have a bag of treats on your hand when you’re off to learn some new tricks for the day. Just remember not to over pamper them.

Wiredhead Pointing Griffon

Wiredhead Pointing Griffon

These are among the retriever breed. They were bred long time ago to retrieve game birds and rabbits. They are a very gentle breed. They bark from time to time, but once they get use to the company of new people they wouldn’t be that aggressive anymore.



Similar to the Puli, Komondor also have that dreadlock looking coat. They are also classified under shepherd dogs category like that of the Puli. They are a very dependable breed. They do stare a lot, so you should get yourself used to that as they enjoy watching their family a lot.  They can be very aggressive towards strangers especially if they sense something fishy about them. It would be best to be very cautious whenever you have visitors to avoid any untoward incidents.



These dogs are also quite fury. They’re also very friendly like every other dog and because of that, they simply can’t stand being along. They love tagging along with you and everyone else in the house. They are also very social and they don’t really mind strangers a lot. They are a bit challenging to brush but once you get it done correctly, your Affenpinscher would look superbly cute and charming.


Now that you’ve seen these non-shedding dogs, which one do you prefer best? What made you decide on which one to take? What are your reservations? Tell us what you think!